Thursday, 31 October 2019

How To Get Prepared For Umrah?

Since you find the time gets nearer to your Umrah, you may need to understand more about the things which are prerequisite for your Umrah. Before everything else, you would have to earn a clear goal and the pure soul concerning the actions of Umrah in case you genuinely wish to search for the pleasure of Allah.

The Umrah is your small pilgrimage that has only to be achieved for the sake of Allah by forfeiting time along with the worldly materials in the form of prosperity. Additionally, we will need to perform all the rites and rituals in line with the prescribed manner from the Holy Prophet PBUH. You can also search for a Cheap Umrah package 2022 to earn beneficial rewards of Umrah.

Umrah includes four big steps:

1.      Entering into the state of Ihram

Ihram gets the literal sign that states making the goal of starting the rites of this Umrah. Before the sporting of this Ihram, you may need to modify the preceding clothes along with using the ghusl that's the necessity.

Ghusl's action is the action accomplished by the Prophet PBUH that has to be carried out by both women and men. As you get done with all steps of ghusl also the wearing of the cologne, now you can wear the garments of this Ihram.

2.      Initialization of Tawaaf

When you enter the region at which Kaaba is, you need to move towards the Black Stone to touch it which would indicate the start of the Tawaaf. You may need to touch it accompanied with the kiss you must do on your hands.

In the event, you're not able to go near the stone, then confronting it by stating the Allahu Akbar will be OK. In this scenario, you aren't needed to kiss your hands.

3.      Performing Saa'i

With the conclusion of this tawaaf, you'd then need to proceed towards the area from the title of the Safa and Marwa where Saa'i happens. After reciting the prayer prescribed in the sacred books, you would have to climb into the al-Safa into the degree at which you'd have the ability to catch the sight of this Kaabah.

When you find the kabah confronting your face, you'd be asked to boost the hands followed by creating the prayer of your decision or desirable wish which you might have on your life and need it to be approved from the Allah almighty.

       4.      The Clipping of Hair 

As soon as you're finished with the 7th rounds of this Saa'i, the man pilgrim would get his head shaved. Although women need to cut their hairs equal to their fingertips (almost equals to one inch).

Umrah is an excellent source of earning happiness and sake of Allah Almighty. We should perform Umrah with full of our attentions, leaving all the worldly matters behind. Easter UmrahPackages are best to avail Umrah during vacations when you do not have worry to go back on work.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Important Things For Umrah

Before leaving the homeland for Umrah, people should try to get the detailed information regarding all rituals and rites of Umrah because it may be proved helpful during the stay there. People can take help for getting better information about Umrah voyage from authentic books, videos, and apps. After using these information sources, they would be able after that what they should do for the Umrah.
1- Umrah Package:

When the people contact to any travel agent for Umrah visa then agent offers several packages in which visa, flights, hotels, and transport are included. Types of packages are different because some people want 5 start hotels, direct flights, and air-conditioned transports then agent offers the 5 Star Umrah Packages All Inclusive. People can customize their package as they want.

2-Do Carry Light Weight Baggage:

People should always carry lightweight baggage when they travel to any airplane. They should only bring useful and necessary items because small and lightweight luggage is easy to carry and handle.

3: Do prepare Packing Checklist:

Before leaving for Umrah, people should prepare a proper checklist and they should pack all important items, for example, basic medicines, clothes, slippers, and etc. so in case of any emergency, they will tackle that easily.

4-Do Ziyarat:

If any pilgrim gets an opportunity to visit Saudi Arabia for Umrah then he/she should go to important historical places which have a special place in Islam, for example, Jannat al Baqi, Cave of Hira, Cave of Thaur, Quba Mosque, and etc.

5-Do Keep Drinking More and More Water:

People require lots of effort and energy to perform Umrah. They should try to drink a lot of water to keep themselves hydrated, therefore, Zamzam water is highly recommended therein this regard. People should drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day.

6-Do Carry a Small Handy Bag:

A small bag is very easy to carry in Umrah journey because people can put mobile, money, and some important documents such as a passport, visa, and etc. in this handy bag. In the state of Ihram, Men cannot wear any cloth except the two unsewn white sheets.

7-Do Perform Salat in Masjid Al Haram:

Pilgrim should try to perform their daily compulsory prayers and non-compulsory prayers in Haram Shareef because Allah’s Messenger said:

“The reward for praying at the holy Masjid (in Makkah) is equal to the reward for 100,000 regular prayers; the reward for praying at the Prophet’s Mosque is equal to the reward for 1000 regular prayers; and the reward for praying at the Al-Aqsa Mosque is equal to the reward for 500 regular prayers.”

People should not leave this chance to earn more and more rewards.

8-Do Eat light Food Items:

It is very important for every pilgrim to eat light and easily digestible food so that he/she can remain himself/herself active in the journey of Umrah.

9-Do not lose the Temperament and do not be intolerant:

During the Umrah, the pilgrims face the huge crowd in the rituals of Umrah as Tawaf around the Kaaba and Sa’i between the hills of Safa and Marwah. People should not lose the temperament because they are not moving in a normal public place rather they are moving in a most sacred place in the world where the Islam religion started.

10-Do not waste time in capturing the photos and making videos:

In the social multimedia reign, everyone wants to update profile pictures on his/her social account as well as he/she wants to update his/her channel by uploading several videos. Pilgrim never forget at that time, he/she is in the house of Allah and their first priority to offer payers and prays there. Photo-shoot is not allowed at some places there if one breaks the rule then he/she may face the penalty.

 People should not break the rules of Saudi Arabia. They should not use the water from the tap rather they should only use the Zamzam water or bottled water. They should not waste their time there.

Friday, 26 July 2019

Can Umrah Be Performed In One Day

Umrah is a journey to a sacred place for Muslims and this sacred place is called Kaaba. This journey can be undertaken at any time of year except for the days of Hajj. The method of Umrah is so simple than the method of Hajj. Usually, a question raised in the mind of most Muslims that they can perform Umrah in one day or two days and etc.

So simple replay of this question is that Umrah can be done in a few hours, therefore the full day is not required for Umrah. Umrah consists of 4 parts in which one is Ihram, Tawaf, Saee, and Halq or Taqsir.

Individuals get various Umrah Packages for performing Umrah and they get these packages from any Travel agency. For this journey, the travel agency is very important because nobody gets Umrah Visa without any travel agent and it is a rule of Saudi Arabia.

Now it has been cleared that Umrah can be performed in one day.

Types of Umrah Packages:

1-            7 Nights Umrah Package
2-            10 Nights Umrah Package
3-            14 Nights Umrah Package
These all types are available in 3 stars, 4 stars, and 5 stars.

Agencies have many packages, so if any Muslim wants to perform Umrah from the United Kingdom than 7 Nights Umrah Package is suitable for this sacred journey.

How Umrah can be done in one day?

Ihram is a special dress for pilgrims because some acts are prohibited in the state of Ihram and some are allowed in it. It is essential for every pilgrim to wear Ihram before entering in Haram. There are 5 Miqat Places to wear Ihram for every pilgrim except the inhabitants of Makkah. Pilgrims can wear it from his/her home. Some pilgrims can wear Ihrams on the airplane and at the airport.

A Man’s Ihram consists of 2 simple unsewn white sheets. One the sheet is used to cover the upper body and the second sheet is used to cover the lower body.

A Woman’s Ihram does not consist of the unsewn sheet rather it consists of normal dress which a woman wears in normal life. It is preferable for a woman to cover her normal dress with an Abaya and Abaya’s color is not mentioned there but most women wear the black color and white color Abayas.

After reaching the area of Al-Haram Mosque, the first task for all pilgrims is to perform Tawaf. Tawaf means circumambulating the Kaaba. It is a very special part of Umrah which consists of 7 circles around Kaaba. It is started from the point of Hajre Aswad, Hajre Aswad is a black stone which is fitted in the wall of Kaaba. After performing Tawaf, Muslims offer two rakat of nafls in front of Maqam e Ibrahim and then they drink the Zamzam water which is holy water.

After performing this step, Muslim run between two hills of Safa and Marwa and this running process is called Saee which is the third step of Umrah. Women should not run rather they should walk in this step.

Last part of Umrah is Halq or Taqsir. Halq means shaving the head and this process is for men. Taqsir means cutting the hairs and this process is for women. Women should perform this ritual at a secret place rather than public spot such as the hotel.

All steps of Umrah can be performed in 4 to 5 hours.

If Umrah can be performed in 5 to 6 hours then why individuals required 10 Days Umrah Packages All Inclusive.

It is required because there are various sacred places to the visit which are directly related to our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) stated:
“Don’t prepare yourself for a voyage except to three Mosques: Masjid al-Haram, the Mosque of Aqsa and my Mosque.”
 (Sahih al Bukari)

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Why Muslims Perform Umrah?

Allah is only Lord of all creatures which are between sky and earth and He selected human as his vice. Allah sent many Messengers and Prophets for the guidance of human so that human can easily choose the right way. So, this world is trial for every human.

According to Islamic traditions, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS) built the House of Allah on the command of Allah. Nowadays, Millions of Muslims visit this house during Umrah and Hajj. Umrah and Hajj are basically spiritual journeys but there is some difference between both journeys, as Umrah is Sunnah and Hajj is Fard (compulsory) and this is the main difference. Hajj is not prescribed for those people who cannot bear the expenses of it because Allah is so merciful.

Umrah is little bit easy journey than the Hajj journey because its rituals are less than Hajj. Nowadays, it is a little bit hard for people to perform Umrah because the cost of everything is increasing day by day and the rate of revenue is not increasing. There is the best opportunity for every man and woman to perform Umrah easily by Cheap Umrah Packages 2022 All-Inclusive. People can get this opportunity from any Muslim Travel Agency.

Some disabled persons think that Umrah may be hard for them but it is not hard for them because the Government of Saudi Arabia is trying to provide many facilities there. We have a great example of a disabled Qatari teen who has performed Umrah.

The name of Qatari boy is Ghanim Al Muftah and he was born with only a quarter of a body. Muftah suffers from Caudal Regression Syndrome, a rare that impairs the development of the lower spine.
He performed Tawaf around the Kaaba with his hands instead of a wheelchair and he kissed Hajre Aswad by family members. He tried to perform Umrah as our Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) performed Umrah. His age was 14 at that time.

Non-Muslims cannot enter in the boundary of Haram because this is only for Muslims who have believed at one God and His Last Prophet. Of course, Umrah removes sins and poverty and it strengthens faith. Weakly, elders and women can get the reward of Jihad by performing the Umrah.

Hajj and Umrah is a great example of unity and brotherhood which is not seen anywhere in this world. Judgment day is a part of faith and all Muslims believed at this part that one day will come when this world, sun, moon, and sky everything will be demolished and this day is called Judgment Day. Allah made Paradise and Hell, and said, good people, will live in Paradise after the Day of Judgment. He said bad people will live in Hell after the Day of Judgment. Everyone gets the reward of good deeds and bad deeds. Umrah is a source of success for every Muslim.

Muslims should perform Umrah when they have time because nobody knows when his/her life will end. Nowadays, those Muslims can easily perform Umrah who are living in non-Muslim countries as the UK. There are many Muslims Travel agencies which are arranged the Umrah journey with Umrah Packages From UK.

May Allah helps us to perform Umrah as Allah helps the Qatari boy (Ghaim Al Muftah). (Ameen).

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Amazing Tips For Umrah With Elderly Parents

Umrah is a great sacred journey which is only performed in the Al-Haram Mosque and this mosque is placed in Makkah. The city of Makkah is a very sacred city as like the Madina. Umrah is not obligatory for People as Hajj is obligatory for people because Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. Some worships are very essential in Islam as Salah (prayer) and Fasting of Ramadan whereas Hajj and Zakat are applicable to Muslims when they have the capability to perform these part of Islam.

The total area of Makkah city is 1200 km2 and the number of pilgrims for Hajj are increasing day by day there. Hajj is performed in al-Haram mosque and its surrounding area. It is a great challenge for the Government of Saudi Arabia to manage a large number of pilgrims, therefore, the Government of Saudi Arabia provides Hajj quota for each country of the world every year. It may be impossible for people to perform Hajj and it is not prescribed for those people who cannot bear the expenses of this journey.

There is left one option for everyone to see the holy cities and different holy places which are placed in two cities that is Umrah. This journey only consists of 4 steps, Ihram, Tawaf, Saee, and Cutting the Hairs respectively.

Nowadays, this journey is a little bit expensive due to the increasing value of money and the needs of life are also increasing day by day, so in this situation, people have only one choice that they should select the Cheap Umrah Packages 2022. Best Travel agencies help them in getting such packages for performing Umrah easily.

Everyone can make his/her Umrah journey as memorable and remarkable, only with his/her elderly parents.

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him and that you be kind to your parents. If one or both of them reach old age with you, don’t say to them a word of disrespect, or scold them, but say a generous word to them. And act humbly to them is mercy, and say, My Lord, have mercy on them since they cared for me when I was small.”  (Surah; Al-Isra: 23-24)

Abdullah ibn Masud reported that he asked the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him):

Which deed is most beloved to Allah?”
Prophet of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “Prayer at its proper time.”
I asked, “What next?” He (Peace Be Upon Him) replied, “Kindness to parents.”

I asked, “What next?” He replied, “Jihad in the way of Allah.

(Sahih Bukhari)

Allah gives many rewards which maybe uncounted in which one is Jannah, this rewards will be given on Judgment day. If anyone performs Umrah with his/her elderly parents then he/she can’t imagine that what he/she gets from Allah because Allah is very merciful. Many facilities are placed there, anyone can get a wheelchair for his/her elderly parents at airports, mosques, and hotels because the Government of Saudi Arabia is trying to give the best facilities for every person who is coming for Umrah.

Umrah is such an act which plays a big role in bringing people closer to Allah thus everyone should gain spiritual enhancement.

If anyone wants to perform Umrah easily with his/her parents then he/she should select the best time for Umrah which is winter for residents of the UK (United Kingdom), USA (United State of America) and European’s Countries because the climate of Saudi Arabia is desert which means the day is so hot and night is cold. If a person goes to Saudi Arabia in April … October for Umrah with his/her elderly parents then his/her parents may not be able to bear the heat of the day.

Best time for Umrah for all is the month of December, therefore, they should get December Umrah Packages from travel agents, so that, they easily can perform Umrah with their elderly parents.

Saturday, 15 June 2019

6 Ziyarat Places In Makkah During Umrah

Millions of Muslims perform Umrah with many wishes. One thing which is special in Umrah is to visit different sacred places which are related to last Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) whereas Umrah is performed in the Al-Haram Mosque where people perform Tawaf (around the Kaaba), Saee (between Safa and Marwa). If anyone performs these rituals of Umrah in the state of Ihram with the intention of Umrah then after that he/she completes the last rituals (cutting the hairs) of Umrah. This is a real method of performing Umrah which is proved by hadiths.

There is no mention anywhere that go to Al-Nabvi mosque for the purpose of completing the Umrah. We should follow the method of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Allah gives great rewards to those people who perform the Umrah. It is a Sunnah whereas Hajj is an essential Ibadah (worship).

 Most people get help from the travel agency so that they can complete Umrah easily. If any person goes to an agency for Umrah then the agency will offer him different Umrah Packages 2022 and in these packages, he/she gets various facilities to perform Umrah but important offer in these packages are Ziyarat places in Makkah and Madina.

Umrah Ziyarat in Makkah:

Famous sites which are closest to the Masjid al-Haram are listed here.

1-Jannatul Mualla:

Anyone can easily cover the distance of Jannatul Mualla from the Al-Haram mosque in a 10-minute drive. This is an important graveyard as the graveyard of Jannatul Baqi in Madinah. This graveyard takes a specific place because various holy persons are buried there, in which some were relatives of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and some were competitors of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
Some names of holy persons are mention here:

The first wife of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him): Hazrat Khadija (RA)
Uncle of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him): Hazrat Abu Talib
Great grandfather of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him): Abd Munaaf
Grandfather of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him): Abdul Muttalib

2-Masjid Ayesha:

The second name of this mosque is Masjid Taneem. This is the closest Miqat from Makkah for wearing the Ihram during the Umrah and Hajj. The background story of this mosque is related to Hazrat Ayesha who was the third wife of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) because Hazrat Ayesha (RA) wore Ihram at this place. The distance of this mosque from Kaaba is about five miles.

3-The Cave of Hira:

This is a very important cave where our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) received the 1st revelation from Allah SWT through an angel – Hazrat Jibrail (AS). This cave is located at the Jabal Hira (mount of light) which distance from Kaaba is about 2 miles.

4-The Cave of Thawr:

This cave is related to an important event that happened in Islam and this event is a migration of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) from Makkah to Madina. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) took refuge for 3 days and nights in this cave with his companion when atheists of Makkah was chasing Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) so that they can kill him. When the atheists reached this cave, they saw the spider’s web and dove's nest. They concluded that nobody is here and thereby they did not found Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA). The distance of this cave is three to four kilometers from Majid Al-Haram.

5-Jabal Rahmah:

This Mount Arafat or Mount Arafah is a granite hill about 20 kilometers east of central Makkah in the field of Arafat and the height of this mountain is 70 meters. This is also called Mount of Mercy. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) delivered the Farewell Sermon of Hajj to the Muslims at this moment. Muslims say that Hazrat Adam (RA) and Hazrat Hawa (RA) reunited on earth after falling from Paradise. On the ninth of Dhul Hijjjah Muslims go to Arafat from Mina during the Hajj.

6-Masjid al-Jinn:

Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was not only Messenger of humans rather He was also Messenger of Jinn. Jinn is a creature of Allah which is made by fire as Human-made by clay. Masjid al-Jinn is located on Al-Haram Mosque road where Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) drew a line for Abdullah bin Masood (RA) who had accompanied him after he had been the command to recite the Holy Quran to the Jinn.

Most of the travel agencies offer these Ziyarats in Makkah when anyone gets Umrah Packages all inclusive from travel agencies. We should not break the rules of Islam because of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) spent his life in teaching the methods of Islam only for us.
May Allah gives us an opportunity to perform Umrah so that we can also visit these sacred places. 

Friday, 17 May 2019

What is Kaaba In the Islam?

Kaaba is a very holy place in Islam. The word Kaaba means cube. The building of Kaaba may not rival skyscrapers in height or in width, but its impact on human beings and history is unmatched. Millions of Muslims visit the Kaaba during the Hajj and Umrah every year. It is also called the House of Allah according to Muslims.

Every Muslim of the world wants to visit the Kaaba during the Umrah and Hajj at least once in a lifetime. Therefore, they choose the best way to perform Umrah and Hajj. Hajj is not obligatory for every Muslim but it is only obligatory for those Muslims who are able physically and financially.
Umrah is not obligatory for all Muslims and it can be performed at any time of year. The best way for Umrah and Hajj is a travel agency which arranges best Best Umrah Packages and Hajj Packages on the public demand.

Other Names of the Kaaba:

In the Holy Quran, Kaaba is mentioned by two names which are Bait ul Ateeq and Bait ul Haram.

Bait ul Ateeq:

Its meaning of the word is the earliest and ancient.

Bait ul Haram:

Its meaning of the word is the honorable house.

What is inside the building of Kaaba?

1.            There are 3 pillars inside but someone claims that there are 2 pillars.
2.            There is a table inside the Kaaba which is used to put items like perfume.
3.            There are 2 latern-type lamps which are hanged from the ceiling.
4.            There are no electric bulb or any lights inside.
5.            There are no windows inside.
6.            There is only one door.
7.            Walls and floor from inside are of marble.
8.            Space can accommodate about fifty people.
9.            The upper inside walls of Kaaba were covered with green cloth and cloth embroidered with gold Quranic verses.

History of Kaaba:

Kaaba was a sacred building in pre-Islamic times. According to Islamic traditions, Hazrat Ibrahim (RA) and his son Hazrat Ismail (RA) built the building of Kaaba as Allah wanted. At that time, the shape of Kaaba was rectangular but that building had no roof.

In the reign of Quraish tribe, Kaaba was rebuilt with alternating courses of wood and masonry in 608 CE. In this reign, the door of Kaaba was raised above ground level to protect the shrine from invader and flood waters. In the time of Quraish, inner part of Kaaba was filled by 360 idols.

After the migration of Muslim from Makkah to Mandina, the direction of Qibla was changed by the order of Allah. First Qibla of Muslims was Bait ul Maqdas which is placed in the Jerusalem but Allah changed Qibla and second Qibla of Muslims is Kaaba. Every Muslim offers the five-time daily prayers towards the direction of Kaaba from that time.

After the victory of Makkah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and his companions cleaned the Kaaba from the idols. Allah sent two holy stone from the Paradise in which one is fitted in the wall of Kaaba at the corner that is Hajre Aswad. Whereas the second stone was used during the building of Kaaba and it is situated at the place of Maqame Ibrahim today.

The size of Kaaba:

The current height of the Kaaba is thirty-nine feet, six inches and total size comes to 627 square feet.
The inside room of the Kaaba is 13X9m. The walls of Kaaba are 1m wide. The floor inside is 2.2 m higher than the place where Pilgrims perform Tawaf.

The roof and ceiling have 2 levels made out of wood. These were rebuilt with teak which is capped with stainless steel.
The walls of Kaaba are all made of stone. The stones outside are polished while the inside are unpolished.

The Kaaba has been modified with every passing time. The area of around the Kaaba was expanded in the reign of Second Caliph Hazrat Umrah (RA) - 634-44CE. The colonnades were built around the Kaaba in the reign of Third Caliph Hazrat Usman (RA) - 644-56 CE.

During the civil war between the Ibn Zubayr and Caliph Abd al-Malik, the Kaaba was set on fire in 638 CE. At that time the Black Stone broke into 3 pieces and Ibn Zubayr resembled it with silver. He reconstructed the Kaaba with the stone and wood.

In the reign of Umayyad Caliph al Walid, who ruled 705-15 CE, the mosque that encloses the Kaaba was decorated with mosaics. By the 7th century, the building of Kaaba was covered with a kiswa, a black cloth. The black cloth is replaced every year during the Hajj.

Sultan Qaitbay, who ruled 1468 – 96 CE, constructed a religious school (Madrasa) against one side of the mosque. In 1631 CE, the Kaaba and Al-Haram Mosque were entirely rebuilt after floods which had demolished them in the past year.

The last modifications were carried out in the 1950s by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Nowadays, the total area of the mosque is almost forty acres. In 1982, the door of Kaaba was made of solid gold.

Thursday, 18 April 2019

6 Great Role Models For Women | 6 Great Women In Islamic History

Allah created the human beings which one type is male and second type is female. The name of the first male person was Adam (AS) who was also a Prophet of Allah. The name of the first female was Eve (AS) who was the wife of Hazrat Adam (AS). So in this way, the number of human beings is increasing day by day with every passing time.

Allah Almighty sent many Prophets in this world so that they preach to people that your lord is only one and you will go back to your lord, that day will come soon. According to the Book of Hadiths, Approximately, 124000 Prophets have come in our world. These prophets were males. A question was produced in the mind of everyone but especially in the mind of women that how we passed our lives in this world.

It is necessary for every woman that she can learn a lot from these six devout and holy women in Islamic history. She can make them her role models and their names are:

1: Khadija (RA)

2: Ayesha (RA)

3: Fatimah (RA)

4: Maryam (RA)

5: Hajrah (RA)

6: Aasiyah (RA)

When you go to perform your Umrah then you must want to visit the site of Holy Places where the holy women are buried in graves because these places are included in your Umrah Packages which are recommended for your best travel agency.

Khadija (RA):

Hazrat Khadija (RA) was successful business women in Makkah, She was the first wife of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and this time age of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was 25 years old whereas the age of Hazrat Khadija (RA) was 40 years old. The marriage of Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadija (RA) gives a lesson that the only man can marry a younger woman whereas a woman can also marry the younger man. Hazrat Khadija (RA) always spent her earning to the poor and to the widows, to orphans and the sick.

Ayesha (RA):

Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was the youngest wife of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). She had an astonishing memory because she never forgot something once she heard it. Therefore, she had a great knowledge of thousands of Hadiths. She was a great scholar and mathematician. She was a brave woman. She took part in the Battle of Uhud and she demolished the thirst of the fighting and injured Muslims soldiers. Women of today learn many things about her life.

Fatimah (RA):

Hazrat Fatimah (RA) was the little daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). She is an important role model in Islamic history. Hazrat Fatimah (RA) was married to Hazrat Ali (RA). On the night of the wedding, she gave her new wedding dress to another young woman.

An Ansari whose name was Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) said, once, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saw his daughter in a ragged garment while milling with her hand and feeding her child. At that time, His eyes shed tears and He said,

“O my daughter, bear the bitterness of this life for the sake of the sweetness of the afterlife…”
Hazrat Hassan (RA) said who was the elder son of her, I saw my mother in her maghrib raku and saajud (offer prayers) until the light of morning appeared. Hazrat Hassan (RA) heard her praying to Allah for the Muslim men and Muslim women and mentioning them by name.

Hazrat Hassan (RA) said to his mother, 

Why do you not pray to Allah for yourself mother?

Hazrat Fatimah (RA) replied to him,

O my son, the neighbor (1st) and then the house.

Maryam (RA):

Hazrat Maryam (RA) also known as Mary is the mother of Hazrat Isa (AS). Maryam (AS) was a virgin but she gave birth to a baby (Isa. AS who also known as Jesus).

As Allah has mentioned in the Holy Quran,

She said, How can I have a boy while no man has touched me and I have not been unchaste?

Ha said, Thus (it will be)

Your Lord says,

It is easy for Me…

Hazrat Maryam (AS) was a great example for those women who think that life is so tough for them. Then they needed to look at the history of Hazrat Maryam (AS), who had to deliver a child by herself and she had to face blaming and accusations of people.

As Allah says for Maryam (AS) in the Holy Quran:

And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We blew into through Our angel, and she believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was of the devoutly obedient.

Hajrah (RA):

Hazrat Hajrah (RA) was the second wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). She was the mother of Hazrat Ismail (AS). When Allah ordered his Prophet Ibrahim (AS), to leave his wife and son in desserts (Makkah).

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) took his wife and baby to a desert when Ibrahim (AS) was leaving them (Hazrat Hajrah, ra. & Hazrat Ismail, ra.), Then at that time of leaving, Hazat Hajrah (RA) asked him why he is doing that. But Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) did not respond when she asked him.

“Has Allah Almighty ordered you to do so?”

He replied: Yes

She said: Then He (Allah) will not neglect us.

This is a great example of a woman how to believe our Lord.

Aasiyah (RA):

Harat Aasiyah (RA) was a queen of Egypt and wife of one of the most powerful men, Asasiyah (RA) knew that her true home in Heaven. She chose the way of Allah.

As Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) state:

Many men reached perfection but none among the women reached perfection except Mary (Maryam), the daughter of Imran, and Aasiyah, wife of Pharaoh. And the superiority of Ayesha to other women is like the superiority of Tharid (a traditional Arab dish) to other kinds of food.

Hazrat Khadija (RA) was buried in Jannat ul Muala (Makkah). Hazrat Ayesha (RA) and Hazrat Fatimah (RA) was buried in Jannat al-baqi (Madina). If you visit these graveyards then you go to the best travel agency because it arranges a Best Cheap Hajj Package for you and provides the best services  (flights, hotels, transports, and etc.)

All wives of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) are mothers of Believers. The “Lives of our Mothers (wives of Muhammad, PBUH.)” are a great sample for every Muslims and Non-Muslims women in this world.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Umrah Visa Requirement From UK In 2022 | Umrah Visa Rules From UK

Umrah is a great and spiritual journey and every Muslim wants to travel to the city of Makkah. Then he/she will need some information about the Umrah Visa because the visa is a permit, to enter any country.

The Country of Saudi Arabia has announced new Umrah Visa policies this year. But if you go to any travel agency, such as Labbaik Hajj Umrah then it will provide the complete guidelines about Umrah Visa and it will provide the best Cheap Umrah Packages. You can also read all policies on the official website of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

We are discussing here the new rules about The Umrah Visa requirements from the United Kingdom for 2019.

New Visa Fees for Umrah in 2019 (1440):

If you are 1st-time visitors then you will pay normal administration fee per person for Umrah Visa.
If you have performed your Umrah in 2019 (1440) already or you have performed in 2017 (1438) or 2018 (1439), you are liable to pay 2000 Saudi Riyal for your Umrah Visa this time.

Requirements for an Umrah Visa and Rules of Umrah Visa:

1: Umrah application form must be fully signed by the individual in block letters by using black ink.

2: if you have a non-Muslim name then you should submit a certificate from a Mosque or an Islamic center confirming that you are a Muslim.

3: Two recent Passport size color pictures with a white background.

4: You must have a British passport/EC which should be valid for a minimum of 6 months or else your Umrah Visa can be declined by the Saudi Embassy.

5: You should confirm about airline ticket that is refundable or non-refundable, departure from Saudi Arabia should be within 2 weeks from date of entry.

6: Woman under the 45 years should be accompanied by a male relative or Mahram (Father, Son, Brother, Grand-son, Grand-father, Uncle, and Husband). Proof of relationship is required as a marriage certificate for a wife and a birth certificate for a child indicating the names of both parents. Children who are under 20 years should be accompanied by parents.

7: if a woman has to be 45 years and above, she wants to travel alone then she requires a NOTARIZED permission letter from the Mahram which states he has no objection and permits her to travel unaccompanied for Umrah.

8: If you are not an inhabitant of the country then a valid residency permit must be submitted with the application.

9: A vaccination certificate against Meningitis should be attached. The certificate should have been issued not more than 3 years and not less than ten days previous to entry to the country of Saudi and it should be valid for 3 years.

10: Passengers who have Umrah and Hajj visas can only land and leave Saudi Arabia through the Madina or Jeddah airports.

11: An Umrah Visa is only for the purpose of Umrah, and you are not allowed to undertake any type of work on this Visa, if you break this rule then you will pay some penalty.

12: if you have already got a visit visa or business, then you can’t apply for Umrah Visa.

Best Hajj and Umrah Travel Agencies are serving Hajj and Umrah customers for over a decade, they offer a variety of high-quality Umrah Package in 2019 for their valued customers.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Meningitis ACWY Certificate - The Symptoms Of Meningitis

Islamic building has five pillars in which Hajj is one of these, such Hajj is important and mandatory worship. This worship is not compulsory for those people who are not able to do as physically and financially. Muslims from all over the world gather in the city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia.

 This is a big ceremony in this world. Where a large number of people from different nations and races is gathered and do the same action at one place. Therefore, this is a great challenge for the Government of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Government to face these challenges every year.

There are many issues during the Hajj like security, transport, Health and maintained a large crowd of pilgrims. But we only discuss here Meningitis.

 People from whole the world bring different kinds of infections. There are Meningococcal meningitis and septicemia almost occurs in all countries. Therefore, the vaccine is very compulsory to get a Hajj and Umrah Visa for all pilgrims who want to perform Hajj and Umrah.

Normally, when you go to any travel agency for Hajj then travel agency offers Cheap Hajj Packages in which it arranges the visas, flights, hotels and transports but it will not provide meningitis certificate.

What is Meningococcal meningitis?

Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial form of meningitis and it is a serious infection of the meninges that affects the brain membrane. It can cause severe brain damage.

The most common symptoms are high fever, confusion, stiff neck, vomiting and headaches. A more severe form of meningococcal disease is meningococcal septicemia.
There are very strict rules about the health issue.

Meningitis ACWY is a combined vaccine which provides the protection against four strains, A, C, W, and Y.

It is spread by sneezing, kissing, coughing and sharing utensils and cutlery.

There are 2 types of vaccines whose names are conjugated and polysaccharide. Conjugated vaccines have a better resistant response and are main vaccines used for the stop of Meningitis ACWY. This vaccine can be given from one year of age or two years of age. A single dose of the vaccine provides protection for at least five years in clinical studies.

Meningitis ACWY certificate requirements apply to children over two years of age and Adult travelling to Saudi Arabia for Hajj or Umrah.

For the validity of the certificate of Meningitis ACWY vaccination.

Conjugated vaccine single dose given within the last five years and not less than ten days former to arrival.

Polysaccharide vaccine single dose to given with the last three years and not less than ten days former to arrival.

Visa will be issued if there is a valid certificate of vaccination at least ten days former to entry into Saudi Arabia.

Note: Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health is advising that the following groups should defer pilgrims due to potential safety concerns.

Pregnant women.
Children (under twelve years).
The elderly (above 65 years of age).
Those with malignant disease.
Those who are terminally ill.
Those with chronic diseases (e.g. kidney disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases, heart diseases).
Immune deficiency (acquired and congenital).